Make a secure one-time or monthly gift. A monthly gift creates a reliable source of funding year-round to support our critical programs. Even a small monthly donation makes a big impact over time. Setting up monthly automated donation is fast, easy, and can be changed or paused at anytime.
Passionate supporters who make a gift of $1,000 or more become annual members of our Wild Champions circle. As part of the program, you’ll partner with us to advance proven initiatives and new ventures with exclusive updates, special recognition, and other benefits. Join us!
A planned gift is a meaningful way to ensure a bright future for Baboon Project Kenya and wildlife. To include Baboon Project Kenya & Wildlife in your estate planning, please contact for more information and suggested language for a bequest. Gifts can be made through wills, trusts, retirement accounts, and life insurance. Big or small, every legacy gift makes a difference.
Experience our annual safari from June to July, where you can embark on a socially and environmentally responsible adventure. This journey includes thrilling game drives, luxurious lodging, and specially designed experiences that combine conservation, comfort, and cultural immersion. Don't miss out—only six spots remain! Reach out to us for more information on safari details and pricing.
Gives a voice to nature and wildlife!